The best companies enable, survey, and measure ‘employee engagement.’ It has become a field of study and the subject of articles on how to manage a high performing organization. The reason it commands attention is because employees who care about the future of their organization, and understand and support its goals and values, tend to give their best to help the company succeed. What if God was interested in your job and how you performed it? What if the quality of your work not only mattered to your company and co-workers, but primarily to God? If God was the one conducting your performance review, what changes do you think He might recommend? Pursuing excellence in our work is not about becoming better than everyone else. Rather it is all about how we ultimately view God and our response to what we truly believe God thinks about our work. What if it is one of the primary ways we worship Him? Join us this week as we address these questions in Part 3 of our Faith and the Marketplace series. See you at Innis Town Hall @10:30 a.m.