From the earliest years of Christianity, followers of Jesus felt the magnitude of the Easter celebration called for special focus and devotion. Eventually, Christians began observing a period of 40 days commemorating the period of time Jesus was tested in the desert, as well as using this time for intense preparation for new Christians who typically were baptized on Easter Sunday.
Today, this season in the church calendar called Lent, is still widely observed both religiously and somewhat culturally. It is a time for self-reflection, simplicity and sincerity. Many participate through disciplines of prayer (focusing on our need for God), fasting (giving up something as a way to focus on Christ’s sacrifice), and charity (giving in response to God’s generosity in Christ).
This series will embrace this lenten tradition and tone of reflection and repentance as a means to return to God with our whole heart as we strive to follow Jesus faithfully in our time and place.