Sermons by Richard Kidger (Page 37)
The Lord’s Prayer: CONFESSION
The Lord’s Prayer: ADORATION (Thanksgiving Sunday)
The Lord’s Prayer: RELATIONSHIP
The Faith That Works: FRIENDSHIP
The Faith That Works: ACTION
Today we can engage in people’s lives simply by looking at an electronic screen. We have Facebook friends we have never met, gaming buddies across the world, and opportunities to share what we think on any number of blogs. These virtual worlds have their place in enriching our lives, but they can also cause us to feel like we are “doing” something when all we are really…
Who Needs a Second Chance?
None of us plan for failure in our lives, but at some point we must admit that something went wrong and we need to deal with it. Our tendency is to deny we have failed or beat ourselves up – reliving our failures over and over. Is there a way we can find peace with ourselves and others and move forward? That is what we will look at this week through the life of Jonah,…
Faith & the Marketplace Part 3: PURSUING EXCELLENCE
The best companies enable, survey, and measure ‘employee engagement.’ It has become a field of study and the subject of articles on how to manage a high performing organization. The reason it commands attention is because employees who care about the future of their organization, and understand and…