Sermons from 2012 (Page 6)

Sermons from 2012 (Page 6)

Learning From Life

Bert & Sheila Thomson Today, one single decision will change the outcome of your life forever. Either you will welcome change into your life and grow from it, or you will back away from change into some unhealthy behavior. All too often, we give in to the pressures of the moment and fail to acknowledge where the choices we are making will take us. The decision to…

“Serving Others” (Part 2 of 3)

As part of our Volunteer Sunday series, we will be exploring what it would look like if everyone in ourchurch community served others. Even in the Bible, we learn this about Jesus: “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).” Investing time, treasure, and talents into helping others can make a…

Volunteer Sunday

Galatians 6:7 “A man reaps what he sows.” In this verse, and in others like it, we are introduced to the general principle, that as a man sows he will reap. People who work in the field of agriculture know this personally – as a seed is sown into the ground, they expect it to bring forth a crop. If the sowing is liberal, and the seed is good, they expect the crop to be…

Love and the World

All you have to do is listen to the news each day to appreciate that our world is in a state of disrepair – it seems that corruption, hatred, and evil are everywhere. Yet we learn in the Bible that God loves the world… John 3:16 starts by saying, “For God so loved the world…” It is among the most popular passages in Scripture, but probably one of the most…

Love and Parenting

Do you remember your childhood and what family life was like growing up? When you thought of getting married and becoming a parent, did you want your children to enjoy the same life experiences as you did, or were you determined to do things completely differently? What did you envision would equip you to be a good or better parent? Raising children takes a lot of…

Love and Marriage

What do you think it takes to get married, stay married, and be happily married? How should we react when we hear that there is no difference between the divorce rate amongst non-Christians and Christians? This means that followers are not really following God’s design for marriage. When we make a covenant at the altar by saying the profound words “‘til death do us part,”…

Series on ‘LOVE’ – Dating

Where did you learn about dating – who to date, how to date, what to do on a date? Have you been influenced by media or juicy stories from your friends? Are you into “recreational dating” or are you looking for, or waiting for – “the one?” Does the notion of dating bring bad memories? Have you given up? Is there such a thing as being too young to date? God has a lot…