Psalm 119 :105 “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
The New Year is a time when many people renew their commitments to eat better, exercise more and eliminate bad habits. What better time to Get Back to the Word! It’s so important and vital for us to get back to the basics. We can never overlook the importance of starting the New Year, and each day, with God’s Word as our compass, setting the course of our lives.
To be a Christian is to have a relationship with our Lord through His Son Jesus Christ. By definition a relationship involves a dialogue. This means that you can expect to speak with God in prayer and hear back from Him as well. Is communication important to God? He left us the Bible which is called “the Word of God,” and sent His son Jesus to live among us as “the Word made flesh.” How do you hear God? Is it possible to hear God and know His will? These are some of the questions we will think through together this Sunday morning. See you at Innis Town Hall @10:30 a.m. where we will be joined by Greg Alexander who will offer helpful insights into how to hear and listen for God’s Word.