Have you ever heard a person in business, in sports, or even in everyday life, describe a situation as a ‘game changer’? It’s something that happens, often unexpectedly, that totally changes the outcome of a situation and causes you to see it in a new light. You could be working on a project and encountering obstacles that seem insurmountable, when someone from outside the team comes up with an idea that gives new hope for a successful resolution. Or it’s a nail biting playoff series and it looks like your favourite team is about to lose, when a player makes a move that gives your team the edge. You may be reading a story and the author introduces a new character that takes the plot in an exciting new direction. The idea of “grace” in the Bible can be like that. Understanding what God means by His free and unmerited favour towards us can have implications that are so profound, that when embraced, it’s a game changer in your life.
Grace Changes Everything is a 12 part teaching series through the book of Galatians. Over the summer, we’ll be walking through this incredible book full of explanations and evidence for God’s grace. We hope that this series will help each of us see and live our lives in a fresh new way.