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Storyteller – Tales of Truth: High and Mighty

Storyteller – Tales of Truth: High and Mighty

Why do people tend to pull for the underdog – the individual who looks least likely to win or be chosen? Whether it’s Prince Charming who has all the fairy-tale looks and connections to royalty, or Shrek, the awkward yet lovable ‘ogre,’ in the end we want the cartoon character Shrek to get the girl. When a humble or fumbling character in a story pales in comparison to an overly proud or self confident nemesis, our sense of justice rises up and we want the disadvantaged person to receive a fair hearing. Jesus had something to say about two people who were seen praying to God – they were direct opposites of each other in character and approach. What did Jesus see that shows us what matters most to God. Join us this Sunday as we complete our series on Jesus as story teller – tales of truth.
