Sunday Service

Join us for our Sunday services at Innis College.  Here’s some more information about our service we hope is helpful to you: What to Expect: our service is usually around 75 min and has elements of singing, praying, preaching and taking communion together that we hope will encourage, challenge and inspire you. EN Kids: kids ministry is provided for ages 3-11. Teen…

Christmas Eve Service 2024

Join us this year for a special Christmas Eve service on Sunday, December 22. We will be reflecting on and celebrating the good news of Jesus’ birth. There will be something for everyone, including carols, scripture readings, glow sticks, and delicious treats that will be served after the service. *This will be our final service for the year. 

Prayer and Fasting Week 2025

  At the start of each year, our global Every Nation family of churches and campus ministries begin with five days of prayer, fasting and consecration to humble ourselves before God, consecrate ourselves to him for the upcoming year, and agree together for breakthroughs. This year’s theme is THE CROSS. The cross is foundational to everything we do as disciples…

ENC Meetup

Every Nation Campus student group meets Tuesday evenings 7pm at the Multi-Faith Centre Quiet Room. Our mission is to help students “Follow the Call” – which means to help students find and follow Jesus together in community on his mission. We host all types of student gatherings from bible studies, to small groups exploring relevant topics, student conferences, to games…