What is the use of faith if it does not give us answers to our most pressing problems? After all, there are plenty of self-help books around that claim to offer solutions for any number of life’s dilemmas, from fixing a car to fixing a relationship. What often surprises people when they first encounter the teachings of the Bible is how incredibly practical it is. To this end, we begin a new summer series of messages based on topics found in the book of James. This week we look at the subject of endurance. Endurance is defined as the act of working very hard without stopping, usually at great expense or pain. It’s about persevering in the face of difficulties. What role does faith have to play in endurance? To know more, join us at one of our two services – at 10:30 a.m. at Innis Town Hall or at 2:30 p.m. at the World Vision Centre.