The Faith That Works: WISDOM

The Faith That Works: WISDOM

A survey was taken of people who are over the age of 95. The question was: “If you could live your life over again, what would you do differently?” The three most frequently given answers were: I would reflect more. I would risk more. I would do more things that would live on after I’m dead. Most of us are under the age of 95, but it does not hurt to take stock of our lives now so that when we look back, we’ll be glad about how we spent our years. This week we look at the topic of wisdom and what James, the brother of Jesus, has to say about it. Join us at one of our three Sunday services: 10:30 AM at Innis Town Hall, Downtown Toronto; 2:30 PM at World Vision Center in Mississauga; and 5:30 PM at The Chinese Cultural Center in Scarborough.