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The Faith That Works: ACTION

Today we can engage in people’s lives simply by looking at an electronic screen. We have Facebook friends we have never met, gaming buddies across the world, and opportunities to share what we think on any number of blogs. These virtual worlds have their place in enriching our lives, but they can also cause us to feel like we are “doing” something when all we are really…

The Faith that Works: MERCY

What does it mean to judge someone? Some popular definitions include: “to form a negative opinion about” or “to pass sentence on or condemn another.” We probably hear it in everyday conversation without realizing the significance of the comment. Someone might say, “I would never have done that” or “Did you hear what she said? What was she thinking?” But do we ever really…

The Faith that Works: FOCUS

What speaks louder – your words or your actions? Ask the wife who confides to a friend: “He says he loves me but he doesn’t show it.”  Or the mother who says about her daughter: “She says she is going to clean up her room, but it’s still a mess.”  In each case someone is waiting for the actions to reflect what the words are saying. Maybe you said you were going to get…

The Faith that Works: ENDURANCE

What is the use of faith if it does not give us answers to our most pressing problems? After all, there are plenty of self-help books around that claim to offer solutions for any number of life’s dilemmas, from fixing a car to fixing a relationship.  What often surprises people when they first encounter the teachings of the Bible is how incredibly practical it is. To this…

Oh Canada Series Part 2: He Shall Have Dominion

On July 1, 1867, our nation was born; New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Province of Canada were proclaimed the Dominion of Canada, with John A. Macdonald as its first prime minister. The area of Upper Canada was called Ontario and Lower Canada was called Quebec. It is said while reading the Bible…

Oh Canada Series Part 1: Great Canadians

What do the telephone, instant mashed potatoes, the egg carton, a cardiac pacemaker and a snow blower have in common? They were each invented by a Canadian.  For history buffs, a country’s past offers a wealth of fascinating information and trivia that can both entertain and educate. But, even more importantly, a nation’s history is about people who, with courage and…

The Inescapable Truth About Fatherhood

There is a lot of pressure on fathers these days – all kinds of fathers –  from foster dads, single dads and step-dads to divorced dads and your conventional parent.  Once you become a father, you cannot un-become one, even if you try.   You have entered into the realm of fatherhood that cannot be un-done.  How a father chooses to carry out this role may vary. With…

Who Needs a Second Chance?

None of us plan for failure in our lives, but at some point we must admit that something went wrong and we need to deal with it. Our tendency is to deny we have failed or beat ourselves up – reliving our failures over and over. Is there a way we can find peace with ourselves and others and move forward? That is what we will look at this week through the life of Jonah,…