Finding Joy in Suffering

Finding Joy in Suffering

These days you are never far away from the latest news or trends – whether it’s on a billboard as you are driving to work, flashing on the screen as you are catching the weather report, or checking out your favourite social media site – you are exposed to bad news. A personal tragedy of a public figure. Countries at war. A people desperate for food or medicine. It is easy to become burdened or anxious. Not to mention the conflicts that may arise in our own lives. What was God thinking when He said through the apostle Paul – “Do not be anxious about anything”? He also encouraged us to keep our minds focused on things that are true, right, pure, lovely… Is this a God who is disconnected with reality…or does He know something about the human condition and how to make it in this world? It’s worth exploring. Join us this Sunday as we continue our series on “Finding Joy.” See you at 10:30 a.m., Sidney Smith Hall, 100 St George Street.