Minutes after two low grade bombs went off at the finish line of the Boston marathon, television, radio and internet channels were flooded with news of this unfolding tragedy. We all followed the developing story and were shocked and dismayed as we found out that there were 3 dead and 170 injured. Stories that involve the loss of human life grip us deeply – especially when they were purposely caused. How should we view this magnitude of loss? Doesn’t science tell us that we are just “chance products” of a primordial soup with no more intrinsic value than an ant? Such an analogy seems harsh in light of the tragedy in Boston. Dr. Brian Miller, physics graduate of MIT and Duke University, was a sceptic when it came to the idea that life is no accident, and that we are somehow designed and created by God. It is only fitting that Dr. Miller address the next installment of our series “God’s Not Dead.” Come and hear why this scientist changed his mind, and consider bringing along a friend. See you at Innis Town Hall this Sunday at 10:30 a.m.