Redemption – Part 3: My Redeemer

Redemption – Part 3: My Redeemer

It could be the woman at the daycare centre who helps your child feel comfortable in a new environment. Or a teacher who takes time after class to help you through a difficult chapter of a lesson. Or it’s the friend who offers to babysit your cat while you’re away the weekend on an unexpected business trip. What about the caring relative who brings you chicken soup because she hears you are feeling under the weather? These are people who, in their own way, save the day and make your life better. They give you help in a time of need when you’re at your wits end. You can’t thank them enough and aren’t sure how you can ever pay them back for their kindness. In the book of Ruth, a man by the name of Boaz becomes a rescuer – someone who defends, protects and helps our heroine who could not rescue herself. We’ll look at the eternal significance of having a rescuer who gives his all to make your life better. Join us for part 3 of our 4-part Christmas series.