The Lord’s Prayer: SUBMISSION

The Lord’s Prayer: SUBMISSION

Why is it a good thing for us to pray for God’s will to be done…and to be willing to accept that will? If the thought raises questions or concerns, or even if you hesitate before agreeing, consider this perspective: Who do you trust the most? When you really need advice on where to turn or what to do, especially when a life altering decision is before you, where do you go? More than likely, you go to someone you trust, who will have your best interests at heart, and be someone you respect to be wise. With that in mind, we will talk about the concept of submission as we continue our series on the Lord’s Prayer. Please join us on Sunday, and bring along a friend, to one of our two services:10:30 AM at Innis Town Hall, Downtown Toronto; or 2:30 PM at World Vision Center in Mississauga.