Faith And The Marketplace
Most of us will live one third of our lives working. Does the bible have anything to say to this part of our lives. This series examines the relationship between faith and the marketplace and how we can and must integrate the two.
Faith and the Marketplace Part 3: The Place of Profit
Faith and the Marketplace Part 2: The Place of Faith
Faith and the Marketplace Part 1: The Place of Work
Faith & The Marketplace – Part 3: The Gift of Work
Faith & The Marketplace – Part 1: Golden Rule Transactions
Faith & the Marketplace Part 3: PURSUING EXCELLENCE
The best companies enable, survey, and measure ‘employee engagement.’ It has become a field of study and the subject of articles on how to manage a high performing organization. The reason it commands attention is because employees who care about the future of their organization, and understand and…
Faith & the Marketplace Part 2: BUSINESS AS CALLING
A leading personal finance magazine published its list of the 10 best fields of study based on the potential they had of offering a steady, well-paying career. Some of you may already be pursuing these studies or are in these business areas, such as Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Nursing, Chemical…
Faith & the Marketplace Part 1: THE GLORY OF WORK
In North America it is estimated that 38% of our lives, or more than 100,000 hours, will be spent working. No other part of our lives, including sleep, takes up so much of our time. In large cities the number of hours devoted to work is increasing as some are compelled to work extra hours to keep…