The Faith that Works: MERCY

The Faith that Works: MERCY


What does it mean to judge someone? Some popular definitions include: “to form a negative opinion about” or “to pass sentence on or condemn another.” We probably hear it in everyday conversation without realizing the significance of the comment. Someone might say, “I would never have done that” or “Did you hear what she said? What was she thinking?” But do we ever really have enough information about another person or their motives or circumstances to be able to judge them or their actions? No one wants to be thought of as a judgmental or critical person. But what is it deep down inside us that causes us to be less than merciful in our attitudes and behaviour, even towards those we love? This is the dilemma that we will look into this week as we continue our series of messages with themes taken from the book of James in the Bible. Join us at one of our two services – at 10:30 a.m. at Innis Town Hall or at 2:30 p.m. at the World Vision Centre.