Sermons from December 2012

Sermons from December 2012

What’s New in Your Life?

“What’s new?”  This is a common greeting among friends or acquiantances who have not seen each other for awhile.  How would you respond to such a greeting? Would you be searching for something to say? Or, would you come back with a reply like, “Oh, same old, same old, you know.” Most of us like new things. We like the smell of a new car; we…

Why Christmas? – Part 3 – A Time to Respond

We live in a world that has more access to information and education than at any other time in history, yet many of us feel stuck…we feel stuck in a job we don’t like, in a relationship that is not going anywhere, and in a place that we don’t enjoy living. The spiritual part of our…

Why Christmas? – Part 2 – A Time to See

In Part 1 of our series on Christmas, we saw that there is a plan and a purpose behind seemingly random and disconnected circumstances that should give us confidence that God is at work in our lives. Consider the fact that angels appeared to shepherds to announce the birth of a Saviour. Why did God entrust the news of this startling birth to a group of shepherds who were…

Why Christmas? – Part 1 – A Time to Reflect

This Sunday we begin a three-part series where we take a step back from the commotion and emotion of the season and examine the simple yet profound Christmas story and its meaning to us today. With many of the musicals and decorations and television celebrations that we are exposed to at this time…