iCrave: Something to Sustain Me (Part 1 of 3)

iCrave: Something to Sustain Me (Part 1 of 3)

Some people crave sweets. Nutritionists say that this kind of craving may be the result of a deficiency in certain essential minerals in the body. After vigorous exercise, the body typically craves sodium because of the amount lost during sweating.  In general terms, the human body can only survive two to three days without water. A craving is often defined as a yearning for something, real or imagined, that we believe we lack, and need to survive. When purpose and satisfaction are missing from our lives, we are deficient in these qualities. When our lives are out of balance, and we feel depressed or discouraged, we may crave something to fill the emptiness. What do we do when we are faced with a lack in our lives. That’s what we will discuss this Sunday as we start a new three-part series called ‘iCrave.’  See you then, at 10:30 a.m., Innis Town Hall.