World Changers: Transformational Word

World Changers: Transformational Word

Are words important? The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 that the power of life and death are in the tongue.  That means that each time we speak words, we are speaking either life or death to those who hear us and to ourselves.  Our words give expression to what we want, think, and feel. Some studies estimate that people have upwards of 50,000 thoughts a day and that 80 per cent of them are negative. We can learn a lot about ourselves and about others by listening to what we say. If words have the power to harm or the power to transform, what role can our words play in our destiny as World Changers? It is one thing to have this knowledge, it is another to experience the effects of words.  So this Sunday, we will hear from three people who share how words have affected their lives. See you at Innis Town Hall @10:30 a.m.