Sermons from 2012 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2012 (Page 2)

iCrave: A Stronger Me (Part 3 of 3)

Best selling author Stephen Covey said, “Each of us tends to think we see things as they are, that we are objective. But this is not the case. We see the world, not as it is, but as we are.” You may not be able to change the world around you, but you can change the world within you. And as we become stronger people, the challenges we face in life become less…

iCrave: Something to Change Me (Part 2 of 3)

Have you ever wondered why fashion trends change so often? You can finally afford those great pair of jeans everyone is wearing, then the style or color or cut changes. What once gave you satisfaction is less appealing now.  Maybe designers have figured out that people get bored easily without change…or it’s just a way to keep people spending and the economy…

iCrave: Something to Sustain Me (Part 1 of 3)

Some people crave sweets. Nutritionists say that this kind of craving may be the result of a deficiency in certain essential minerals in the body. After vigorous exercise, the body typically craves sodium because of the amount lost during sweating.  In general terms, the human body can only survive two to three days without water. A craving is often defined as a yearning…

World Changers – Community

Today people ‘hang out,’ ‘hook up,’ and ‘chill,’ together. This could refer to anything from socializing and meeting friends at a mall, to dating, or more fleeting and self-serving encounters. In some circles, people ‘get together for afternoon tea’ or ‘grab a coffee’ after the gym.  Or you might connect on Facebook or keep your exchanges to 140 characters or less. Do any…

Thanksgiving Celebration

If you have ever been in charge of cooking a traditional Thanksgiving Day meal for a large number of people, you have probably fretted over the provisions: Is the turkey big enough? Will it turn out right and be ready when the guests arrive? Will there be enough stuffing and cranberry sauce for everyone at the table? Or perhaps your goal for the Thanksgiving weekend is to…

World Changers: Family Matters

It’s often interesting to read the stories of people’s lives, especially those who have made a name for themselves because of an achievement or special skill. You might even find yourself wishing you could be like them or have their fame. But too often you learn that their childhood was nothing to be envied – either marked by abuse or neglect from family members. Many of…

World Changers: Transformational Word

Are words important? The Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 that the power of life and death are in the tongue.  That means that each time we speak words, we are speaking either life or death to those who hear us and to ourselves.  Our words give expression to what we want, think, and feel. Some studies estimate that people have upwards of 50,000 thoughts a day and that 80 per…

World Changers: Dreaming BIG again

Your dreams are incredibly personal. Maybe you dreamed of being a star athlete, or singing on stage. Or you always wanted to start your own business, run a marathon, or build your own home.  Whatever was on your mind, “life happened,” and the dream faded.  Maybe somebody said your dream was crazy or you could never accomplish such a thing. Or after a few failures, you…